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Coastal West Africa is grappling with escalating threats to peace and stability, as conflicts from the Sahel region spill over and violent extremist groups have gain traction. In response, the International Dialogue on Peacebuilding and Statebuilding (IDPS) convened a Regional Dialogue on Prevention, Peacebuilding, and Resilience in Coastal West Africa, supported by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in its capacity as Secretariat and through the generous financial support of the Government of Canada.
To access the full press release on the UNDP website, please click here.
IDPS Joint Statement in light of the SDG Summit, calling for collective, multilateral action to urgently accelerate progress on SDG 16, in line with a New Agenda for Peace.
On 20 July, Secretary-General António Guterres presented to Member States his Policy Brief on A New Agenda for Peace, which outlines his vision for multilateral efforts for peace and security, based on international law, for a world in transition. It outlines an extensive and ambitious set of recommendations that recognize the inter-linked nature of many of the challenges we face.
A New Agenda for Peace is framed around the core principles of trust, solidarity, and universality that are foundations of the Charter and of a stable world. It presents twelve concrete sets of proposals for action, in five priority areas.
To achieve more effective multilateral action for peace, the following recommendations are presented for the consideration of Member States