Building on the Peacebuilding and Statebuilding Goals as a crucial foundation to guide our work in fragile and conflict-affected states, IDPS works across 3 key pillars: policy, practice and resourcing.
Promoting a renewed vision for multilateral engagement in fragile and conflict-affected contexts, grounded in development and prevention.
The increasingly complex and challenging peace and development landscape, characterized by growing insecurity, declining global peacefulness, growing fragility, increasingly visible impacts of climate change, shrinking civic space and the first consecutive decline in global human development, urges peace and development actors to reshape their engagement in country, regional and global levels.
Building on critical reflections and learning from the New Deal, the Stockholm
Declaration, Peace Vision, and successful lobbying for the inclusion of SDG 16 in the 2030 Agenda, IDPS will support efforts to develop a fresh perspective on the interconnections between conflict, development, and the future of peacebuilding, and use its voice as a unique, high-level dialogue platform to promote a renewed vision for multilateral engagement in fragile and conflict-affected contexts.
Key actions
Supporting the strengthening of country-level engagement on the implementation of global policy frameworks.
The international community has made certain progress in expanding global policy frameworks relevant for peacebuilding and statebuilding in the last decade, including the introduction of the Sustaining Peace agenda, increasing efforts on the Humanitarian-Development-Peace nexus, the development of the Youth, Peace and Security Agenda, and a growing number of relevant policy frameworks on the Women, Peace and Security agenda. However, progress to date has been far from being transformative, and numerous bottlenecks remain in translating these global policy agendas into concrete action in fragile and conflict-affected contexts, including a lack of capacities, resources, political will, and hampered trust among partners.
As a unique tripartite partnership representing fragile and conflict-affected states, civil society and development partners engaged in supporting these settings and building on the field presence of UNDP as the new IDPS Secretariat, IDPS can have a key role to play in ensuring the effective implementation and operationalization of policy frameworks on the ground.
Key actions
Strengthening advocacy and capacity support for effective and inclusive resourcing for peacebuilding.
While country-specific multi-donor or multi-partner trust funds and the UN peacebuilding architecture have a critical role to play in supporting statebuilding and peacebuilding efforts, investments in and resourcing for sustainable peace and development solutions fail to match the growing complexity of fragility and conflict.
Building on the new resolution on Financing for Peacebuilding and the legacy of the New Deal Principles, IDPS can play a key role in advocating for the effective, flexible and inclusive utilization and distribution of funding, financing, human resources and partnerships for conflict prevention and peacebuilding efforts and promoting the operating space for peacebuilding actors.
Key actions
The New Deal is a key agreement between fragile and conflict-affected states, development partners, and civil society to improve the current development policy and practice in fragile and conflict-affected states.
It was developed through the forum of the International Dialogue and signed by more than 40 countries and organizations at the 4th High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness on November 30th 2011 at Busan, Korea.